The car has been competing with summer, another MGA and a Humber Super Snipe. The main delay was with the carbs, the rebuilt carbs leaked, one at the junction of the carb base and float bowl and one at the jet. I picked a rebuilder off the MG experience website, new to me. He had them over 5 months the first time for the rebuild, and now two months to try and fix the leaks. I had tried new grommets, gasket sealer and prayer, to no avail.
In the meantime I have finished the dash, the parcel shelf and a few other details. Like seatbelts, lap only front and back.
To get back to driving, I put the carbs from my other Maggie into this one, she runs well. I am towing the car to Washington for the ABFM near Seattle this weekend. I just haven't had the carbs in long enough to try and drive that far with an unproven set of systems.
Waxed and ready to go. We hope to meet with the original owner of the car in Seattle! Hope she likes the work I have done. |
Ready to ramble. |